Omid's Story Family Centered Therapy Term Paper

Total Length: 1674 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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This recognition that injury and pain, common accompaniments to illness and medical treatment effect the whole family, not just the person suffering the illness or injury was profound. (Tallian, 2001, p. 119) Going through such an exercise as role playing is invaluable to the care provider as it offers the concepts in such a way that the individual can internalize point-of-view and begin to understand the steps needed to be aware of others needs an feelings.

It is clear that caring for the child, is not simply caring for the child. In a nursing situation or any health care delivery situation the standards that are set by the early impression of the health care situation as FCC supporting can make or break other experiences for the family and profoundly effect the outcomes for children.

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Raofian, even though she and her husband and Omid had had very positive medical experiences in the past knew that when they were facing one that was not FCC that it simply felt wrong and therefore was not what they felt their some needed. (2003, pp. 227-231) the early intervention models offered in Bruder's article

2000, p. 105) are also demonstrative of how it feels to be on the loosing end of an inflexible and worrisome medical situation with little or no collaborative support. The tendency for delivery personnel to be non-responsive to parent's needs giving parents the false impression that their own parental observations and instincts do not matter is a significant negative aspect of FCC care and as Bruce and colleagues express education and communication teaching are key to a.....

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