Older Adult Assessment Maslow's Hierarchy Interview

Total Length: 1934 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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He is still deeply in love with his wife, as though he just met her . He expresses his love on a daily bases with his wife, with hugs, kisses, and showers her with lavish gifts . They cuddle in the evenings in the family room for an evening of relaxation watching television or reading . Although the sexual physical part of their life as slowed down, they still do have a very high sexual relationship which is shown in different ways or expressions .

Fears / Concerns

Mr. BP expressed his biggest concern related to aging is being without his wife one day . He also expressed that he doesn't want to die the same way this mother did with Alzheimer's disease, as it was a horrible experience for anyone to live with and watch a loved die . This has played on his mind as he has aged, and hitting retirement age . Although for a seventy-year-old man, he is still can engage in a high functioning intelligent conversation, and has a lot of spunk . For the most part, he lives one day at a time, and doesn't ponder on death, or being alone or having an illness . Identification of Potential Needs

Mr. BP suffers from a mild form of emphysema, and with is disease it do progress with age, and there is no cure at this time . However, if Mr.

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BP would walk in his neighborhood for 15 minutes per day, this would increase his quality of life. According to Hassanein and Narsavage ( 2009) this would build Mr. BP stamina and resistance to infections . Stay inside when pollution levels are high, and dangerous, remain in doors with the AC on . Mr. BP social life needs to have more activity with others his age or younger, according to Buchman, Boyle, Wilson, Fleischman, Leurgans, and Bennett

( 2009) to help with reducing the likely hood of dementia, since his he worries that he could end up with Alzheimer's disease like this mother, this would decrease the likely hood of this happening. Donni, Savina, and Cannella ( 2009). State the important of fiber in the elderly, in order to reduce colon cancer, and other diseases in the bowl . Since Mr. BP intakes a lot of coffee, and eats a lot of red meat which is hard on your stomach and colon, it is important to incorporate fiber into the diet. This could help with depression, but way of healthier greens, and more fruit .


Vander Zanden, J., Crandell, T.,….....

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