Odyssey Homer's Odyssey Is a Classic Epic Thesis

Total Length: 1031 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Homer's Odyssey is a classic epic poem, demonstrating all the hallmarks of epic poem structure and the epic journey cycle. The narrative of the Odyssey follows the return on Odysseus from Troy, a journey that takes ten years and spans many locations and setbacks, until he finally reaches his home in Ithaca. Even then, Homer must deal with one final setback before being successfully reunited with his family. This paper will focus on three central themes that define the epic poetry genre -- an epic hero

There are several elements of an epic poem. An epic poem should have an epic hero and in this case that is Odysseus. He is the focal point of the action (no author, 2012). His journey is entirely about him, to the point where his actions dictate the fate of all those around him. The key supporting characters are in his and his wife. Odysseus is also portrayed as the quintessential hero. He is always described with flowery adjectives. Even when he commits negative acts, such as taunting the Cyclops, he is treated with sympathy and his negative act used as a means of conveying a social lesson. This treatment of the major characters is a central theme in all epic poetry -- Rama in the Ramayana, Aeneas in the Aeneid and Achilles in the Iliad. The Odyssey plays a role in reinforcing social norms in ancient Greece, and Odysseus is thus portrayed as a classic hero, the center of the action, and the one through whom all lessons flow. That the story is named after Odysseus only further enhances his position as an epic hero -- the name seems to indicate that the hero is more important than the narrative elements.

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Another element of epic poetry is the high position portrayal of the characters. The characters are all treated with lofty adjectives, and certain themes are repeated as well, lending the same treatment to the setting. The traits associated with each character - wise Athena, loyal Penelope, and the disrespectful suitors among them are repeated to the point where that character and those traits become one and the same. With each character given a strong trait, each of these characters takes on the appearance of being important. Even minor characters are treated with extensive background stories, again raising those characters above their fringe roles.

Perhaps the most central defining characteristic of epic poetry is the epic journey cycle. The journey in the Odyssey consists of two parts. The first is the physical journey. In the Odyssey, this is given epic format in both its length and the diversity of experiences that Odysseus experiences. The journey home from Troy takes ten years, and he has already been away for ten, making the total time away twenty years. His journey takes him to unknown lands, and to places where he meets fantastical creatures. Odysseus is pushed into the boundary between gods and men, something that elevates his status as a hero and elevates the status as more than a simple journey across the Mediterranean. Indeed, Homer takes Odysseus to….....

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