Occupational Health and Safety BSB41407 Certificate IV Essay

Total Length: 2018 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

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Occupational Health and Safety

BSB41407 Certificate IV Occupational Health Safety BSBOHS408A: Compliance. 1. The difference OHS Act, OHS Regulation COP (code practice) legal requirements workplace . 2. Sources relevant legislation. 3.

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Difference between the OHS Act, the OHS Regulation and COP and legal requirements

The occupational health and safety act was passed by parliament to secure and promote health, welfare and safety of employees while at work. It also protects employees from health and safety risks in the workplace. The act provides a legislative framework allowing for standards of occupational health & safety to be set to take into account the new technology and work practices that can be used. OHS regulation is the law which must be followed by employers, workers, insurers, and manufacturers which must be met both under the legislation and regulations.

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They provide the general requirements of the legislation but are more in-depth. The code of practice is a general guide which advices on how the occupational health and safety standards are met but is not actually a law. They are developed by employers in consultation with OHS experts, employees, government agencies and special interest groups. Legal requirements are the standards, limits or permits that are set to allow businesses to operate while preventing occupational risks......

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