Nutritional Ergogenic Aids Essay

Total Length: 1536 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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Nutritional Ergogenics

The word "ergogenic" means having a tendency to increase work. In the perspective or setting of sports, this term encompasses processes employed to enhance the production as well as the performance of physiological energy. Nutritional ergogenic aids can be defined as dietary and nutritive supplements that purportedly increase the level of performance beyond the expected levels under normal circumstances and conditions (Coleman). A supplement can be defined to be a substance that is added to the everyday diet of an individual in order to redress the balance of a nutritional deficiency. More often than not athletes anticipate that ergogenic aids will offer them an added or competitive advantage in their events as they uniformly do not aspire to lose. Taking into the consideration the fact that sporting races and competing events are won by small differences and disparity of as little as one hundredth of a second, it is not in any way astonishing that athletes always aspire to make use of the newest or most recent ergogenic aid (Coleman).

According to Applegate (710), contemporary ergogenic aids are different from the usual or regular caffeine and amino acids. They include the more unusual and mysterious lipoic acid, as well as dihydroxyacetone. However, the exercise of chasing after optimum and peak performance by means of nutritional supplements has been common from the time of the ancient times of the Olympic Games over two millennia ago. The following paper will undertake a discussion of two ergogenic products that can be purchased over the internet: caffeine and amphetamines.


Caffeine is a trimethylxanthine that occurs naturally and can be obtained from a number of different plants. In general, caffeine is embraced and employed by majority of the sport scientific experts as an ergogenic aid that is effective and productive. The main claim or benefit of caffeine is that it has a stimulating impact in the central nervous system in the body. This in turn brings about a reduction in the sense or feeling of fatigue, discernment of work effort, and also pain as well. What is more, caffeine enhances mental sharpness and alertness, concentration and technical skill in the course of and subsequent to vigorous activity or exhaustion. In addition, it is believed that caffeine enhances the utilization of fat inside the body. It has also been proven to have an effective impact in increasing time to exhaustion in the course of stamina activities, in addition to sprint, muscle and strength performance (Harnish).

In accordance with Mangus and Trowbridge (60), most of the research studies which have been published in the past two decades or so support the idea that caffeine can in fact have a beneficial and productive impact on stamina and durability performance in both male and female athletes. This is for the reason that there seems to be a blend of events that might bring about this ergogenic impact, including impacts on the cardiac, metabolic, and central nervous systems. There is no clear understanding as to whether caffeine enhances the oxidation of fat, changes calcium activity in the muscles, or disguises the awareness and sensitivity of fatigue and exhaustion. Conceivably, all of these activities take place at the same time. Caffeine capsules give the impression of being more effective compared to drinking coffee or other extremely caffeinated drinks.

The caffeine capsules sold as an ergogenic aid contains 200 mg of caffeine; 100 capsules of this drug cost about $8 to $13. The drug is overpriced due to the popularity and hype given to it as a direct stimulant and ergogenic aid for all athletes. The caffeine capsules are healthy and can be considered to be safe. However, abuse and misuse of this drug can also have devastating and harmful effects to the human body. There are a number of health issues concerning the misuse and abuse of caffeine by athletes. A number of these health concerns include tachycardia in the course of exercise, increased blood pressure in ordinary and slightly hypertensive persons, abdominal pain, as well as addiction. The addition of caffeine-induced CNS stimulus to the intensification in the rate of the heart beat from workout can bring about adverse cardiac effects in the course of vigorous exercise. The drug can bring about nausea, intestinal pain, and diarrhea, which can bring about considerable loss of fluids. It can also bring about the growth of tolerance and also addiction.
The sudden withdrawal or discontinuation of the consumption of caffeine can cause headaches, weariness, exhaustion and flu-like symptoms which can bring about poor physical performance (Mangus and Trowbridge 60).


Amphetamines are also referred to as 'uppers' or 'speeders'; they are drugs that stimulate the central nervous system. They increase the level of concentration, self-assurance and confidence, and also decrease levels of appetite while instigating a sense of increased energy. The chemical structure of amphetamines is equivalent and comparable to the adrenaline or nor-adrenaline that takes place and is produced naturally by the body. The main impact of the amphetamines can be compared to cocaine, only they end up lasting for a longer period (Quinn).

Amphetamines might offer a number of minor benefits, particularly in the short run. Contemporary research studies indicate that about 10-30 mg methamphetamine, which is a kind of amphetamine might improve and enhance reaction time, as well as enhancing mental or perceptive function, increasing the sense of attentiveness, decreasing the feeling of exhaustion and also enhancing euphoria. However, all of these potential benefits are concurrent with a likelihood of more high-risk selections. Research studies also indicated that at a higher dosage, amphetamines caused participants to experience anxiety, an incapability to emphasize responsiveness on separated attention responsibilities, inattentiveness, agitation, mechanical excitation, augmented reaction time, and time alteration, miserable impulses, poor sense of balance and organization, and incapacity to follow instructions (Quinn). One of the risks of even reasonable amphetamine consumption in an athlete is that due to the removal of normal pain/fatigue responses, the athlete might pay no attention to injury warning indications and might take part in the sporting competitions even when injured.

The price of this drug has increased due to its popularity with individuals as well as the coverage provided by the media. Stimulants such as amphetamines continue to extensively be employed in competitions (Zaretsky et al. 242). The cost of 100 capsules of 5 mg amphetamine and/or dextroamphetamine is about $465; this indicates that the cost for a single capsule ranges from $4 to $6. According to Zaretsky et al. (242), previous research studies have indicated that amphetamine enhances exercise and training endurance. However, it is not yet understood or confirmed as to exactly how this takes place. It is most commonly assumed to take place by hiding the perception of fatigue.

The potential side effects of amphetamines consist of increased blood pressure, headaches, and increased rate of heart beats, lack of sleep, loss of weight, hallucinations, heart attack, and also convulsions. In the long run, the continued use and consumption of amphetamines can bring about an increase in the acceptance and forbearance of risky drugs, and the need to constantly consume more of the drug for the same effect or feeling. It is not unusual for athletes to come to be addicted to the drug and have massive problems in stopping taking amphetamines as they experience withdrawal symptoms. The sudden and abrupt cessation of the consumption and use of the drug can cause depression, weakness and excess exhaustion (Quinn).

Despite the fact that amphetamines have numerous adverse and dangerous side effects and are addictive in nature, a number of athletes still continue to consume the drugs with the expectation of attaining a minor competitive advantage in terms of performance. The drug cannot be considered to be safe. Even though most amphetamines are on the banned and/or proscribed substance list by most sporting event organizations, athletes continue to use the drugs (Quinn).


Nutritional ergogenic aids are well defined as dietetic and nutritious enhancements that supposedly increase the level of performance beyond the expected levels in the normal circumstances and conditions (Coleman). A supplement can be defined as a substance that is added to the everyday diet of an individual in order to redress the balance of a nutritional deficiency. On the basis of the discussion undertaken above, ergogenics are real and not a fad. This is for the reason that the consumption of caffeine capsules or amphetamines without having any examinations or drug tests can assist athletes to have a competitive edge in their sports and competitions. However, different ergogenic aids are safe while others are not. For instance, caffeine is considered relatively safe if not abused as individuals drink coffee on a daily basis. However, amphetamines cannot be considered to be.....

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