Nutrition Most People Respect Real Term Paper

Total Length: 318 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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A nutrition who views evaluating a person's nutritional health the way a builder would build a bridge - doing one's job and then leaving for the next client - is unlikely to have any real impact on a person's health.

Because people are such complex individuals, nutritionists must understand people well. For a person to follow a nutritionist's advice, he or she must be able to make a compelling case for the dietary changes recommended. The nutritionist must also be personable and able to talk to others in a way that is supportive.

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It will be an ongoing process for most people to take dietary advice and translate it into changes in eating behavior. So, in addition to a solid background in nutrition, a nutritionist must be an excellent communicator who is willing to work with a person over time. This will support the kinds of permanent dietary changes that result in improved nutritional health......

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