Nutrition the Familiar Food Pyramid, Term Paper

Total Length: 1818 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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The Harvard School of Public Health commented that the new food pyramid was not the best diet in addressing and reducing the risk of chronic diseases, based on its own study (Gannet 2003). The study involved the ideal diet of 100,000 men and women as consisting of whole grains and vegetables and emphasizing fish and poultry over beef and pork but allowing moderate alcohol and fat. Its findings showed that there was a 20% risk of developing chronic diseases among men and 11% among women if they followed the revised pyramid.

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Based on these findings, Chairman Willett of Harvard's School of Public Health sadly commented that the U.S. dietary pyramid missed the opportunity of improving the health of American (Gannet). The hard evidence obtained in testing 100,000 men and women on the ideal or best diet indicates that the new food pyramid is not likely to curb obesity in the country but make it worse......

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