Nutrition Especially in the Treatment Term Paper

Total Length: 2046 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 12

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Studies also indicate that the people of this area are more physically active than most Americans, and they have extensive social support, through large families, that tend to keep people healthier and happier throughout life. While there may be other factors that contribute to the longevity of people who partake in a Mediterranean diet, designing a low-fat, healthy diet based on Mediterranean principles of little red meat, lots of fruits and vegetables, a glass of red wine now and then, and use of "good" fats like olive oil, can lead to a healthier, more active and enjoyable lifestyle. Americans can learn a lot from the Mediterranean lifestyle, if they only take the time to learn about it and make the choice to live healthier, more active lives.

In conclusion, the Mediterranean diet is a healthy alternative to fast food and microwaved meals that can promote heart health and weight maintenance, as well. it's reliance on healthy oils, vegetables, and even red wine could help more Americans lose and maintain healthy weight levels, while eating foods that are filling and they enjoy.

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In addition, the diet seems to help reduce the risk of certain diseases, especially heart disease, which is so prevalent in America today. Americans need to eat healthier, lose weight, and become more active. Adhering to a Mediterranean diet could help them maintain better health, live longer, and manage their weight more effectively. Creating more healthy eating alternatives, especially in dining out, should rely on the aspects of the Mediterranean diet to create new, bold flavors that satisfy and still promote a much healthier diet and lifestyle......

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