Nutrition Bariatric Surgery and Nutritional Article Review

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, 2010).

The Long Magenstrasse with pyloroplasty as functional Gastric Bypass (LMGBP) procedure is that such surgery. This surgery has been found to reduce the occurrence of side effects connected with gastric restrictive and malabsorptive surgery, particularly on quality of life and long-term nutritional insufficiency. This surgery has shown to result in significant weight loss, together with its moderate surgical risk, very low complication profile, and the satisfaction of patients. This suggests that is might be a feasible advance in bariatric surgical technique. This procedure can be employed to advantage and perhaps may be preferable to the technically more complex RYGBP, which is not without nutritional-metabolic side effects (Vassallo, 2010). The goal is to limit the nutritional deficiencies as much as possible.

In a study done by Vassallo et al. (2010), the researchers set out to confirm that patients undergoing LMGBP had safe and effective weight loss with conjunction with excellent reduction or resolution of co-morbidities of obesity, few and mild complication in the peri operative period and long-term, and in improved quality of life for patients.

This study found that that the patients undergoing LMGBP do not become a formerly morbidly obese patient, but rather, a person whose metabolism functions more like that of a normal-weight individual. This form of functional gastric bypass appears to achieve and maintain weight loss safely without marked nutritional deficiencies, and without the psychological and behavioral strain of treating the nutritional imbalances that frequently accompany restrictive or malabsorptive surgery (Vassallo et al., 2010).

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For those who suffer from obesity having bariatric surgery can be a life saver. The question at hand appears to be which type of bariatric surgery produces the best weight loss results with the least amount of nutritional consequences. This is a very important thing for someone to research who is considering having this type of surgery. There is after all not only an underlying desire to loose weight but one to also be healthy afterwards. It is very important for an overweight person to lose the excess weight especially if they suffer from co-morbidities as well. It is just as important to have a surgery done that is going to consequence in the least amount of side effects as possible. It is not a good thing to trade obesity and co-morbidities to a whole new set of nutritional issues after the surgery. It appears that the LMGBP surgery may be the answer that surgeons have been looking for in order to produce good weight loss results with the least amount of nutritional side effects as possible.


1. How bad are the nutritional side affects that can take place after BPD?

2. What are the consequences of these nutritional side effects?

3. Can the nutritional deficiencies that take place be treated or are they permanent?


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