Nurturing Inclusive Communities Term Paper

Total Length: 309 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

student affairs staff and their work on campus. Many factors contribute to the higher education system in America. Learning climates, institutional goals, organizations, and even the students themselves all contribute to how the student affairs staff relates to students while achieving their goals. One thing that can bring all the elements of student affairs into one cognitive whole is developing a system of community that involves students, faculty, and administration.

One factor that is greatly affecting student affairs throughout America is the growing diversity of the student population.
America's population is growing increasingly diverse, and that is reaching college campuses in many ways. Student affairs staff need to enlist new ways of dealing with the diverse student population, including developing multicultural awareness and openness, promoting involvement, understanding individual differences, and educating students in other cultures (Blimling & Whitt, 1999, p. 161). Education is not just about the classroom, it extends to all….....

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