Nursing Assessment Essay

Total Length: 1041 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Clinical Learning Summary (Nursing Self-Assessment):

My experience with nursing enabled me to gain a more complex understanding of the domain and of the medical industry in general. Having come across a great deal of demanding situations meant that I accumulated a great deal of knowledge while having the role of a nurse. While there were a series of conditions where I was required to act rapidly and perform tasks perfectly, from my point-of-view one of the most important activities that I had to perform involved monitoring diabetes patients.

The care that one needs to provide when considering individuals suffering from diabetes is more complex than typical treatment methods. Numerous complications can arise as a consequence of this malady and it is thus important for nurses to be prepared to deal with these respective conditions. The medical industry is responsible for diminishing the effects of symptoms on the individual, to help him or her integrate society normally, and to generally slow down processes that threaten the patient's well-being.

Nurses in particular have the mission to put into practice several techniques that guarantee that diabetes patients receive the best treatment available. Sometimes something as seemingly simple as a blood glucose monitoring test can be difficult if the patient is an elderly person. Bad circulation can be a problem in such situations, as the only solution would be to try and get enough blood for the meter to work in spite of the fact that the patient has circulation issues. Monitoring blood is more than just a medical practice, as the act is also problematic from a psychological point-of-view -- patients can often feel that meter readings work as a tool to make them feel bad about themselves.

In addition to learning a lot about treatment methods provided for diabetes patients, I was also able to learn a great deal of information about how to address wounds. Ranging from relatively safe surgical wounds to severe wounds that require much more time to heal, I was required to provide efficient solutions to a series of medical issues involving wounds. Every wound can be categorized by associating it with a particular type and it is important for a nurse to be able to identify this respective type of wound in each patient that he or she comes across. This process is important mainly because different types of wounds require different types of treatments and while some treatments are effective when considering particular wounds, other treatment methods can actually have a negative effect on the wounds they are meant to heal.

Being able to treat a wound properly entails a lengthy process during which the nurse first needs to be able to assess the wound. This is followed by the creation of a treatment plan that is meant to help the patient recover in a shorter period of time and as effective as possible. The final step is the actual treatment that can be divided into several sessions during which the patient needs to see the nurse on a regular basis in order for the he or she to be able to determine if the care….....

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