Non-Traditional Managers Non-Traditional Managers Such As Project Term Paper

Total Length: 359 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

Non-Traditional" Managers

Non-traditional managers such as project managers experience several challenges that are unique and apart from traditional managers. Unlike the traditional managers whose major responsibility is to manage people and ensure their proper condition in the workplace, project managers handle more responsibilities than this. In today's increasing development of diverse technologies, it is almost a standard procedure that project managers utilize technology in an objective to facilitate his and his team's tasks. And, with this, the responsibility of being at pace with the changing technology for better project results is a responsibility that traditional managers usually never do. According to Kerry Campbell Hamilton (2002),

"The use of technology-based solutions and applications is the key differentiator between traditional projects and e-projects.

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In simple terms, non-traditional managers always have to be flexible in which their knowledge and skills should have continuous growth. It is not only the skills of managing his people that is required from a non-traditional manager, but also the intelligence in adapting with the latest technology.

Moreover, one of the challenges that non-traditional managers face….....

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"Non-Traditional Managers Non-Traditional Managers Such As Project", 22 August 2005, Accessed.3 July. 2024,