Nokia's Impact on Education in Essay

Total Length: 796 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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Much of Finland is cold and desolate, and a lot of people do not want to remain there for the rest of their lives. They get their top-quality education and then they go to another country to work, and Nokia loses out because the talented and qualified people are going somewhere else (Maney, 2004). It is unfortunate, but it is not surprising, and most of them are trained to work at a company like Nokia. When these people do move somewhere else all that they often know how to do is work with technology, and it can make it difficult for them to get any other kind of job in another country (Lewis, 2004).

Another disadvantage is that Nokia is growing so large that there are not many companies that can keep up with it. For people who want to work at some of the other companies, there are not many jobs -- and Nokia is mostly all that is available for people with the kinds of skills that technology companies need. That means that people who want to stay in Finland and work in a technology company generally must work at Nokia.
If they do not want to work there but they plan to stay in Finland, they will usually study something other than technology (Lewis, 2004). That keeps them from getting the same kind of education that they would otherwise get, and if they move somewhere else later they might not have the qualifications needed to seek a different type of employment. It can damage their future, in some cases......

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