New Market Opportunities at Apple, Research Paper

Total Length: 947 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Both would be exceptionally effective in strengthening the PR of the Google brand as well as each provides valuable intelligence for consumers worldwide. The advertising revenue potential for the online shopping experience is highly positive, as is the potential for the truth filter from a licensing standpoint. Both could provide significant financial improvements to Google as each will drive a significantly greater level of traffic and advertising revenue as a result. The last new marketing opportunity for Google is the development of a Personal Knowledge Assistant. This would be a configurable alert service that could be equally used across mobility platforms running the Android operating system, in addition to providing visual alerts on the Google Glass headset when it is available for global sales. For Google, creating a configurable, customizable Personal Knowledge Assistant is low-hanging fruit, with little risk and much upside positive PR. Like the other two marketing opportunities, this also allows for significant upside revenue potential without bringing significant risk to the company as well.

Microsoft's approach to innovation is best described as siloed, highly competitive and lacking in collaboration that Google is known for (Wonglimpiyarat, 2012). The three marketing opportunities for Microsoft include immersive 3D video gaming technology for the Xbox Connect, Voice-Activated Microsoft Office for iPad and a real-time personal budget tracker for mobile devices.

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The low-hanging fruit for Microsoft is creating a real-time budget tracker for mobile devices. The risk on this is very low as Microsoft already has this technology and the PR would be positive, as Microsoft lags Google and Apple with mobile application development. It would however be a minimal increase in the financial performance of the company given the pricing models for mobile applications today. The two other projects, immersive 3D video gaming technology for Xbox Connect and voice-activated Microsoft Office for iPad2, would be home runs for the company yet would also be exceptionally risky as well. It would force the company to develop a high level of cross-department integration and support, a skill set Microsoft has shown to not be that good at (Wonglimpiyarat, 2012). The risk therefore for each of these would be quite significant, yet the PR would be exceptionally strong as it would show Microsoft is capable of combining their technologies to better serve customers. Both would have very significant revenue potential as well, with the voice-activated Microsoft Office for iPad2 immediately opening up a sizeable Apple customer base that does not have a suitable office suite application today......

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