New Bacterium Scientists in Japan, Term Paper

Total Length: 492 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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The epidemiology of Microbacterium hatanis is unknown at this time (New species of bacteria contaminates hairspray, 2008). However, researchers have found similar bacteria to infect humans and are concerned with what impact Microbacterium hatanis will have. For this reason, researchers will conduct additional testing to determine if the new species poses a health threat and, if so, researchers will make recommendations for new hairspray formulations to prevent future contamination.


The discovery of Microbacterium hatanonis is significant because contamination of cosmetic products has previously been thought to be rare. This new species in hairspray will no doubt lead to further research in this area, especially since Microbacterium hatanonis can grow in an environment which is pH neutral and 30°C, the environment common in the manufacturing of may commercial cosmetic products (Contaminated hairspray, 2008).

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Hairspray, with its high alcohol content, had not seemed to provide the ideal conditions for life and there are certainly other cosmetics with more conducive conditional for bacteria to thrive.

If the new species in hairspray is found to be a health risk to consumers, research into bacteria in other cosmetics will expand even faster......

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