Networking Present: In the Past Semester at Essay

Total Length: 589 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Networking Present:

In the past semester at UCI I have had the ability to begin the process of learning to network with my fellow students. An important part of networking with others is to build upon the connections and similarities that exist between them. This quarter, my classmates and I have had the same experience within the classroom setting. We have had the same teacher, the same assignments, and the same education within this class. Because of this shared experience, we have made a bond and have had to depend upon each other for information, for clarification, and for encouragement to ensure we accomplish everything that we need to do. As students, we have learned to count on one another as well as upon ourselves in order to progress and to do well. This is the beginning of learning to network, to communicate with other people who can help you excel in the classroom or in the workforce.

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Had I the chance to begin this course again, I would endeavor to make stronger connections and in less time, such as building up friendships and creating study groups. From day one, I would try to find someone I can get along with who is also interested in the coursework. This would allow me to develop a stronger relationship with my fellow classmates, building relationships which could extend well beyond this one class and into our professional lives.

Networking Past:

Before I started going to UCI I did not have a good understanding of the process of networking. As a young person, I interacted with friends and peers and even work colleagues but I did so more for entertainment, for companionship, or for the fulfillment of immediate needs. After I started at UCI I….....

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