Negotiation Stratigies Negotiation Strategies the Term Paper

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Otherwise put, the multitude of problems resolved through negotiation offer the method a positive reputation and makes the parties hope for a positive solution to the impediments.

Another major attribute of the negotiation that makes it preferred in the detriment of other conflict handling procedures is given by its encouragement of communications. "In negotiation, your goal is to maintain an environment that encourages constructive communication. When communication stops, negotiation ends." (Femberg, 1999) in other words, negotiation helps parties get their problems out in the open and also understand the problems faced by the other party. It encourages them to be open minded and understanding in order to find a middle solution, in which each party reaches at least part of their initially formulated objectives. And the fact that negotiation is objectives-oriented and the parties know their actual demands is yet another reason why negotiation is a preferable procedure. Then, giving the parties the chance to look at the problems from another perspective means one step closer to a viable solution.

Negotiation is foremost important in the context of organizational entities where there is a close and direct connection between the conflicting parties and most importantly, when the overall success of the organization depends on the resolution to the conflict and fruitful future collaboration between the two parties.

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Then, it also has the benefit of not being biased, situation which sometimes occurs in the case of positional approach. This generally means that the negotiation is handled from the stand point of a certain position, say for instance the manager, who is not always interested in resolving the employees' demands, but wants to increase productivity and cut costs. This approach could easily degenerate into more serious problems. The collaborative approach is the exact opposite of the positional procedure in the meaning that it is aimed at solving the problems of larger groups of individuals, such as employees, clients, suppliers or other business intermediaries and stakeholders. The limitation of this approach resides in that it is basically centred on resolving the problems of the groups, and like the positional method, is unilateral. Negotiation then eliminates this shortage and analyzed the matter from a bilateral standpoint, coming as such to the benefit of both parties involved.

The fact that the negotiator is a tertiary party makes him objective and consequently more capable to resolve the problems. Foremost, he is accepted by the conflicting parties, who feel they have been offered a solution, or at least the feeling that someone made efforts to come to a resolution of their demands and supported them in reaching their established goals......

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