Negative Impact and Tenure Thesis

Total Length: 673 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Because there is a surplus of people who want to be in academic positions today, it is very easy for an academic institution to hire someone who will not be given tenure. These people can be paid a lower wage than someone with tenure, because they will not be standing on the same legal ground if they are let go at a later date (Dilts, Samavati, & Rahnama-Moghadam, 2007, p. 335). They make less, so the institution saves money, and that money can be used to hire more instructors, to purchase supplies, or for any other area in which the establishment is lacking.

People who are not tenured but who are doing the same work make about 1/2 of what tenured professors make (Dilts, Samavati, & Rahnama-Moghadam, 2007, p. 336). However, these same people have the potential to keep rising in their salary, although not to the level of a tenured professor. Some institutions do not even offer tenured positions anymore.
For institutions that do and for the people who receive it, the attaining of tenure should be enough, but many times it is not. In addition, the creation of a post-tenure review may be perceived as a limitation on academic freedom, and that is not something that many tenured professors are comfortable with (Dilts, Samavati, & Rahnama-Moghadam, 2007, p. 337). They do not want their freedom restricted and their work examined.

If this is not done, however, they can virtually do whatever they want, and what they are doing may not be keeping up with current academic standards of excellence. Clearly, more research into the idea of a post-tenure review process is needed. This is true with both formative and summative reviews, and may or may not eventually become more uniform across institutions. Without clearly weighing the benefits and pitfalls of this -- which no study has yet done -- it becomes difficult to see if there is real value.....

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