National Election Looming in Which Research Paper

Total Length: 672 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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In an era supposedly far removed from the institutional bigotry of prior decades, this inexplicable gap represents an unacceptable failing on the part of both public servants and private industry. I agree with the article's conclusion that the ACA's mandated expansion of federal programs providing health care to underserved communities "will create professional opportunities for doctors, nurses and other health care workers from underrepresented racial, ethnic and economic groups" (Workforce, 2011) because decades of workforce research and statistical evidence suggests that the market is unable or unwilling to do so of its own accord.

As a direct consequence of the workforce composition issues addressed above, the racial and ethnic background of patient groups adversely affects overall health by depleting the effectiveness of health care delivery to disadvantaged groups.

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The article addressing these disparities declares emphatically that "more than 50 years of efforts to improve diversity in the nation's health care workforce have not achieved their goal" (Disparities, 2011), and after careful consideration of the available evidence I would tend to agree with that statement. When census data clearly illustrates that "African-Americans are nearly twice as likely to be uninsured as whites and Hispanics are more than three times as likely to be uninsured," (DeNavas-Walt, Proctor & Smith, 2008) despite advances in racial discrimination awareness, the need for federal intervention is readily apparent......

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