Namely How the Theory of Term Paper

Total Length: 722 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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When raised separately, identical twins are never exactly alike. This would seem to indicate that nurture is at least as important as nature in human development and intelligence. However, if nurture were the only criteria fraternal twins that reared under identical conditions would be alike in spite of differences in genetic makeup. Studies do show that more closely resemble each other than non-twin brothers and sisters. However, such studies also demonstrate the same similarities when reared apart as with identical twins. (ibid.). Further studies such as these combined with genetic mapping and research will hopefully resolve the controversy.

However, what about more abstract concepts such as religion. Socialization is understandable because it a reaction to people we can see and talk to. However, the spirit world is a concept that is deeply abstract and few satisfactory approaches have been brought forward. One of the more exotic approaches is that of philosopher Terrance McKenna in his "stoned ape" hypothesis.
In other words, human mental development is able to take tremendous mental leaps and development when influenced by psychedelics. Basically, man's ancestors ingested such substances by accident (or later purposefully) to expand their consciousness in a spirit quest (St. John, 2011, 203-204). While few accept the theory at face value, the effect of shamanism upon human development can not be doubted. Certainly, there is food for thought here and room for more research.


In this short essay, the author explained the theory of the mind. Then, we examined the implications of the theory, namely how the theory of mind and understanding can be thought of a basis for other social/cognitive/emotional understandings in life. Additionally, we examined briefly how the theory of the mind touches upon other abstract concepts.


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