Nadia, Wife of a Terrorist Term Paper

Total Length: 1527 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Nadia's lack of education also affected her ability to escape the repressive regime in which she lived, and she was forced to consider Ahmed's proposal as the only viable alternative available to her. Nevertheless, Nadia's father did object to her marriage but like other Algerians families in the region, he was afraid of the GIA and what they would do to him and his family if he pressed the matter. In this regard, Gacemi notes that, "Rather than suffer the affront of seeing his daughter taken by force, he preferred bending to Ahmed's wishes.
My aunt went to pieces. She hated terrorism and terrorists more than anything, but she had to face the facts: not even the most foolhardy of us wouldhave dated stand up to the GIA." Likewise, and to his credit, Nadia's father was morally outraged when he learned of the terrorists' plans for his daughter, even if her intended death was in the name of jihad......

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