Myth: Why Jealousy Is Green-Eyed Essay

Total Length: 764 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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So, Micah decided that if he was going to hurt, then she would hurt as well.

The first time Farina caught Micah with another woman, she did not even know how to describe what she felt. She screamed, she yelled, and she even threw a shoe at the woman. With Micah she was cold and distant, but she loved him and eventually she forgave him. but, a little bit of her heart had broken and Farina found that she could not eat. She grew thinner and paler, which made her incredible green eyes seem even brighter. Micah found that her anger only made him hate her more, but that he still could not bring himself to kill her. He strayed more and more frequently, making a point to make sure that Farina knew of his dalliances. Initially, she tried to ignore the whispers, but there were times when she would holler and shriek, throwing things in her anger. She grew thinner and thinner, her beautiful face hollowed because she refused to eat. Her glossy red hair grew dull and matted, as she stalked the castle, looking for her husband and his lovers.

Within a short period of time, all of the people who had known Farina as a lovely young girl had disappeared; killed or driven-off by Micah's power-hungry behavior. The castle was filled with people loyal to Micah, who felt sorry for their king, married to a crazy woman who chased him through the castle, green eyes blazing, unkempt, accusing him of all types of horrible behavior. Soon, Micah did not even have to take mistresses; Farina was convinced he was being unfaithful, and she would pursue him with the accusations, even when was doing nothing wrong. Eventually, she stopped eating whatsoever, and eventually wasted away. The people talked about her afterwards, and little children began to tell the stories about hearing the wails of her ghost in the nighttime. Parents would warn their children not to be jealous, or else the green-eyed monster would get them. The facts that Farina had once been the luckiest and most beautiful girl in all the land faded out of memory, replaced by an image of a crazy and jealous woman with wild….....

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