Music What Makes Music Great Term Paper

Total Length: 765 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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There is more to it than meets the eye (or ear), and repeated listenings make that even more apparent.

Great music also depends on great performances, and that is another reason to listen to it more than once. Each artist interprets music a bit differently, and so, no performance will be exactly alike. This is true of all types of music, even classical. Even though the scores are the same, each musician, director, and arranger sees the work differently, and adds a bit of their own interpretation or personality into the piece. Thus, the same song sung decades ago by the Beach Boys does not sound like the same song today sung by a young rap or hip hop artist.

Do these theories apply to pop music, as well? In many aspects, yes, they do. There are certainly many songs in pop music that are complex and detailed, with different rhythms, instruments, and melodies woven throughout the songs. However, many pop tunes are too simple to fall into this category, because they are not complex vocally or musically. Not all music is written and sung by great songwriters, and not all performances are truly great.
Everything has to come together perfectly to make a great piece of music. For example, in pop music, there may be several background instruments, background vocals, a lead vocal, and even other effects, such as scratching or sound effects added to the work. If all that combines to make you look complex layers in the work, it may be great. However, if you listen two or three times, and know the music backwards and forwards, then the music may be pleasant and nice to listen to, but it may not be great. Perhaps two of the greatest pop composers have been Lennon and McCartney. There is something about their music that stands the test of time. Not all of their work is complex, but it lingers in the mind and makes you want to listen to it again and again, and that is another mark of great music. The words are important too, if they make you think, so there are many elements that combine to create memorable music that is truly great......

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