Music Female Artists Have Been Essay

Total Length: 679 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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From there, Franklin's career skyrocketed. Her notoriety and status as "Queen" is evident in the high-profile performances she made at events like the funeral of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., where she sang "Precious Lord," a Gospel song ("Aretha Franklin," n.d.). She sang at the 1968 Democratic National Convention, the funeral of fellow gospel singer Mahalia Jackson, and at two Presidential inaugurations: those of President Bill Clinton and President Barack Obama. President George W. Bush gave Aretha Franklin the Presidential Medal of Honor (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 2013). Her music has appeared in movies, too. Aretha Franklin has gone on to win nearly twenty Grammies, and yet her tenure as Queen is independent from mainstream recognition. She would be the Queen of Soul if she won no Grammies at all.

Aretha Franklin has reigned supreme with the undisputed title of Queen of Soul; there is no other soul, R&B, or gospel artist that even comes close or who would dare to contest the title.
Franklin bridged the gap between white and black audiences with her music, which is one of the reasons why she is an American icon. Her music is accessible to all, as it is infused with the power of soul and its uplifting messages of universal love. Because Aretha Franklin has also been publically recognized as the Queen of Soul, she has the support of the masses -- which is what any Queen requires......

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