Multiculturalism Has Become a Very Essay

Total Length: 1820 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Children from other cultures frequently have trouble during their high school years. They are almost always forced to find a group and to fit in. If they are from different backgrounds, it is difficult for them to find somewhere they can fit in. Young children have a hard time understanding another child if they are different from who they are. Once they grow up, these youngsters start to understand exactly who they are and feel to good about where they came from. However, their education did not do this for them. They had to get this from outside of the school system.

Mixed culture children are growing in population. They need to be taught to appreciate who they are, to be proud of that and then because they feel secure to exchange cultural knowledge on an equal basis with peers in a multicultural society. In addition, as it has been necessary so often, it is likely that the best way to make this tolerance permanent is not just to enshrine it in law, but also the highest law of the lands, as is happening in the UK, Australia and Canada as well.


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