MS Project Microsoft Project Review Microsoft Began Essay

Total Length: 517 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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MS Project

Microsoft Project Review

Microsoft began development of its project software at the turn of the century (around the year 2000). The original software package ran from MS Dos and had incredibly limited functionality. However, since its introduction, Microsoft Project has come a long way from its original state. Today's versions of MS Project, such as Project 2010, Project 2013, and now even cloud-based Project versions has a rich list of features that are intuitive to most users because are already familiar with the interface. The interface and general GUI feel has the same features and layouts that can be found in the popular MS Office suite.

One of the most interesting features in the newer versions of Project is that users can upload and make changes via a cloud-based project server.

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This allows users to make changes to items in the scope, schedule, budget, activity durations or any associated project fields from a range of locations from today's range of mobile devices. This can greatly accelerate the ability to keep a project's information up-to-date in virtually real time. However, at the same time this does add a layer of complexity to the equation because many users may not be familiar with all the features and can easily make costly errors that can throw the project array. Therefore, there is a level of training that must accompany user privileges to access the system and make changes or updates to the project.

Figure 1 - Resource Screenshot (Microsoft, N.d.)

One of the advantages of the software system is….....

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