Mr. B Case Study the Case Study Case Study

Total Length: 314 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Mr. B Case Study

The case study in question which saw the loss of MR. B suggests many practical learning points in developing successful hospital emergency department (ED) procedures. This writing will propose a complete root cause analysis that takes into consideration of nine causative factors that led the sentinel event Mr. B's outcome. The factors will be listed in decreasing order of importance as it relates to the event.


The hospital appeared to be understaffed from all perspectives. At least 3 to 4 nurses and another 2-3 LPN's appeared to have been needed to suffice all the demands that were going on at that time. A simple back up staff was not enough.

Factor Mr. B.'s narcotic addiction severely contributed to his ability to be sedated and complications were sure to follow.


The sedation policy must be reexamined as it may not be applicable any more. This policy should be continually monitored and updated.


The efficacy of the Code Team and its procedures played a significant role in the progression of Mr. B's health. Their actions and resources should also be reexamined..

Factor 5:

The alarm system on the equipment and its ability to detect trouble and provide immediate and helpful feedback.

Factor 6:

Mr. B's multitude of prescriptions denotes a troubling sign in allopathic treatments where over prescribing medicine is too commonplace.

Factor 7

The mystery behind Mr. B's fall that….....

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