Most Important Aspect of the Selection Process Essay

Total Length: 693 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Right People Into the Wrong Job

Irrespective of the type of business in question, having the right employee holding the right job is what steers an organization towards failure or success. Some disadvantages that may arise from giving the wrong post to individuals (even skilled individuals) are failure and a waste of organizational productivity and employee's potential.


Business success in today's world is gauged in terms of TALENT, i.e., the appropriate aptitude for a particular job. It is stated in Jim Collins' Good to Great that employees aren't the key asset of an organization; rather, it is the 'right' employees that lead a company to great heights. It is vital not only to recruit the right individuals and avoid taking on those who aren't right for the organization, but also to place these right recruits on the right jobs; irrespective of a company type, the individuals within it dictate organizational failure or success (Smith, 2015).

Wasted potential and firm productivity

A majority of organizations fail to place their top performers in key jobs. Apart from negatively affecting such employees' retention and morale, such behavior also impacts company productivity and its ability to maintain an edge over competitors.

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A periodic HR audit for ensuring that company employees are given the right roles is crucial, if managers wish for optimum team productivity (Sullivan, 2001).

HRM selection decisions that an organization can use to mitigate this issue

When conventional hiring procedures fail to produce winners, an organization needs to consider and come up with alternatives. Prior to the beginning of this century, assessments were only utilized by 5% Fortune 500 firms. Currently, however, the figure has soared to 65%. An American Management Association research conducted in the year 2000 revealed that about 50% of the 1,085 companies that were part of the study apply no less than one assessment during interviews. Every assessment isn't identical. Organizations can choose from a range of available assessments, some of which gauge applicant's integrity and honesty, while others measure job skills to ascertain whether the prospective employee will do well on the job. Still other assessments measures communication skills and people's ability to work in teams. One can employ the services of hiring consultants for selecting the strategy and assessment best suited to one's firm. Implementation of a structured process of hiring, together with profiles or assessments, can boost a.....

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