Most Fortunate Man Women Term Paper

Total Length: 334 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

Bill Gates: One of the Most Fortunate Man in the World

With all the riches that Bill Gates has been harvesting from his Microsoft Company since some decades ago, it is no question that Bill Gates is among the most fortunate men in the world. Forbes Magazine indicates that he is the richest man in the world for the past ten years (CNN.Com, 2004). In the continuous advancements of technology, it is definite that Microsoft will play an important role in every technological development.
This is because technically computers are the major elements that make technology possible, and, among the similarly major elements that make the operation of computers possible is the Microsoft. Thus, it can be concluded that as the world strives for better technology, Bill Gates will continuously harvest the fortune from his Microsoft Company.

Bill Gates's fortune in Microsoft is not the only thing why he can be considered as among the luckiest men in the world. His fortune did start even before Microsoft….....

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