Morgan Stanley History of Morgan Term Paper

Total Length: 1995 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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It must be remembered that Morgan Stanley has always considered Sydney an excellent location form which it would be possible to tap directly into Australia's skilled and highly productive multilingual workforce, who would be capable of providing human resources, global processing, and financial services for the region. In the year 2005 Morgan Stanly employed about 140 individuals, while today it employs about 220 people, and the number is expected to rise up to 250 by the middle of the year 2008. ("Investment Success, Morgan Stanley," 2005)

It has often been said that the Morgan Stanley story has at various times been both exhilarating as well as disturbing. The Morgan Stanley has unerringly been able to follow its instincts for garnering and generating more and more profits, by delving into hitherto unexplored areas, and by venturing into more and more risky areas of operations through the years. Although it may be said that this is one of the primary reasons for its immense success, it may also be taken as one of the reasons for the troubling sense of disturbance that it brings to investors.
For example, at the fag end of the 1980's, Morgan Stanley had become more like an industrial holding company than a financial services firm, and at the time it had stakes in almost forty large companies, and also about seventy two thousand employees. All its investments were reaping forty percent dividends, and this foreshadowed the years to come for the institution. (Chernow, 2001)


Today, the Morgan Stanley has come a long way, and although it still has a long way to go, it must be stated that this firm has managed to get where it has wanted to, over the years, and investors and others who have put their faith in the company have not had to face disappointment at any time. The Morgan Stanley remains today, one of the premier financial institutions of the world......

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