Moralists & Modernizers by Steven Mintz in Book Review

Total Length: 580 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Moralists & Modernizers" by Steven Mintz

In the decades of the eighteenth century leading up to the Civil War, the United States and many Western European nations were engaged in societal changes which continue to this day. The author of Moralists & Modernizers, Steven Mintz, looks at why and how individuals thought that society was degrading to such a degree that changes needed to be made. This was an undertaking that involved both secular and sacred interests, and the reformers offered solutions from both traditions. The author begins with an overall assessment of the need for change based on the words of people from that day, and he continues by looking at how Christians and social scientists were aiming for the same goal from different directions. The general thesis is that these early reformers helped to turn the country back toward its founding principles much like reformers continue to do today (xii).

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The author's viewpoint seems to be that there were needed areas for reform at this stage in American history because people were losing the sense of responsibility they felt when the United States was first incorporated. The editor of the volume explains that many modern books about reformers looked more at their failures rather than applauding their successes (ix). Steven Mintz, according to the editor does not look at the personal lives of the reformers, but tries to determine what reforms were made by the different individuals involved.

In an essay at the end of the book, the author provides evidence to support his claims. He introduces the reader to various articles of primary source material which help to highlight the reforms, and reformers, behind important pre-Civil War social changes. He also discusses recent works that….....

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