Montessori Style Education for Young Term Paper

Total Length: 978 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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" (Editors). In traditional settings, many of these items are not covered, leading to less community involvement, fewer manners, and fewer skills that will be necessary as the children mature.

Many proponents of Montessori education cite studies that indicate Montessori students consistently outperform traditional students in most educational areas, including language arts and math. However, some studies indicate that may not be the case. One study says, "Overall, the results were mixed and failed to support the general hypothesis that Montessori students demonstrate superior academic performance" (Lopata, Wallace, and Finn). In fact, the Montessori students in grades 4 and 8 only scored higher on one contrast significantly lower on 4 out of 12 and no difference on 7 out of 12 contrasts (Lopata, Wallace, and Finn). This indicates more study is necessary to determine the truth about academic achievement and Montessori education.

Additionally, there can be troubles and misunderstandings with the Montessori name. Dr. Montessori never trademarked the name, and so, anyone is free to use the name in educational settings. In addition, there are several Montessori organizations throughout the world, and at least two in the United States, which means that there are no central associations or tenets for schools and their operation. That means that each Montessori school can operate differently, and that some may not even be "true" Montessori schools at all. Parents have to be careful when they choose a school, and they should make sure it is affiliated with one of the Montessori organizations in the U.S.

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Finally, the costs for a Montessori education vary widely from school to school, and the costs may be too high for many families. The Web site continues, "According to a 1996 NAMTA survey of U.S. And Canadian Montessori schools, tuitions range from a low of under $999 per year to a high of over $11,000 per year" (Editors). Clearly, those costs have risen since this study was finished. Montessori was initially developed for children with learning disabilities or mental retardation, and the high costs could prohibit those children who need it most from obtaining the education.

In conclusion, the Montessori educational method has some distinct advantages over traditional educational methods. It teaches creatively, gives children the freedom to choose how they learn, and uses principles to build character and interest in acquiring knowledge, as well. There are some disadvantages to the method, such as accreditation issues, but for the most part, for most children, a Montessori education is superior to traditional education, and it should create a lifetime love of learning and discovery in most children......

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