Monte Cassino' by Matthew Parker Research Paper

Total Length: 586 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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There had been a series of factors, ranging from bad weather to bad positioning, preventing the allies from advancing further into Rome.

After observing the strong resistance that they had encountered and the bad luck that they had, the allied forces had decided to make a significant move by bombing the monastery of Monte Cassino on the 15th of February, 1944. Even with the highest point of the Gustav line destroyed, the allies did not manage to advance into Rome until the time that the Germans retreated because they had no supplies left.

Parker has succeeded in accomplishing what little writers actually attempted to accomplish, with the Battle of Monte Cassino receiving lesser attention from other authors. The battle of Monte Cassino has had a slight WWI touch into it, as the conditions from the battles having lasted from 1914 to 1918 being similar to the ones in eastern Rome in 1944.

The book's name, Monte Cassino: The Story of the Hardest-fought Battle of World War Two, is somewhat exaggerated by the author, who has apparently considered the battle to be more important like the ones in Verdun and in Stalingrad.

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Also, the title is not very exact, as the events at Monte Cassino have involved a campaign, and not a battle.

Even if there is no evidence to qualify the battle as being the most important, the battle of Monte Cassino has certainly been one of the most important battles having been fought in the Second World War. What is most remarkable about this particular battle is its history and the fact that Parker has managed to gather important information from a great number of verified sources.


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