Monitoring Behaviors With Technology Essay

Total Length: 578 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Human-Centered monitoring: The state of current technology

Chronic diseases cause 7 out of 10 diseases in the U.S. These include common illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. 6 million crashes occur on U.S. highways. Driver fatigue alone leads to 17% of all vehicular deaths in the U.S. These are sobering statistics and it is only natural to want to know how such incidents can be prevented: human-centered monitoring is one possible answer. Regarding health status, body area networks can use implants or other means of monitoring to determine a patient's physiological state (such as his or her temperature, glucose level, etcetera). Wearable electronic systems can remain constantly attached to the skin. This can create a feedback loop between the patient or user, the technology, and other individuals that have a critical stake in monitoring the data such as healthcare providers and traffic safety personnel.

Daily health monitoring is convenient and can enable persons with chronic illnesses to lead more 'normal' lives. They are relatively easy to strap on the individual and can provide critical information to patients, caregivers, and hospital professionals about the patient's state of well-being. What is critical about chronic diseases is just that: they are chronic and will not go away. They must be constantly monitored. Skin-electrode interface modeling is non-obtrusive yet can mean the difference between life and death for some patients.

However, it should be noted that these monitoring devices are not foolproof -- a great deal can interfere with its ability to transmit accurate data, including electromagnetic interference. Thermal 'noise;' 'noise' from the body; chemical reactions; friction; and other forms of interference can act as barriers. The technology remains a work in progress. Despite the benefits these devices can….....

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