Modern Myth Proposal Essay

Total Length: 591 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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happiness' as my myth. I choose this because it is all prevalent, existing not just in the business sphere, but in all aspects of society, and because understanding what happiness truly is and isn't essential to our human endeavor in this world.

Happiness, as Winterson (2011) points out built on the Middle English word 'hap', or in Old English 'gehapp', which means to happen. The chance or fortune, good or bad that falls to you. Hap is your lot in life, the hand you are given to play. In fact, it is similar to 'happening'.

How you meet your 'hap', reflects Winterson who had spent much of her childhood in the coalceller and, nonetheless, survived and loved life, determines whether or not you can be 'happy'. Happiness, therefore, does not come from 'happiness' -- her adopted mother had played the piano singing hell to the world.
Happiness comes from being goal-centered. Winterson herself had sung 'hail all saints' whilst in the cellar.

We mythically think of happiness as the feeling of pleasure and contentment; it is a bovine sort of pleasure, dependent on circumstances, and fleeting. And, therefore, never really intense or real.

The American constitution says that we have "the right to pursuit of happiness." But what we should really be pursuing -- if we want real 'happiness" is meaning, a meaningful life. There's the 'hap', the fate that comes to us and, sometimes, makes us happy but making this fixed is something that has to come from us and takes energy. It means taking the 'hap' and making it into something, regardless of the 'hap'. And that's when we may procure a more substantial, longer-lasting 'happiness'.

In this way, it reminds me of Katie Byron's (2002) insight that thoughts cannot.....

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