Mobile Application and Patients Health Essay

Total Length: 768 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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The impact mobile apps can have on our patient’s health


The study population is patients who are using mobile apps. The study sample will be recruited through convenience sampling from the metropolitan area. A multifaceted strategy will be used for the recruitment of study participants. Participants will be recruited through collaboration with healthcare professionals in the metropolitan areas. A radio station with a local audience of mature adults will also be used for the recruitment of participants. A static text advertisement will also be used and posted in various static areas in the metropolitan. The potential participant will be a person who has used a healthcare self-care mobile app for an average period of six months (Anderson, Burford & Emmerton, 2016).

Protection of Human Rights

For the various participant-recruitment strategies, participant consent will be sought in hand First, participant will be adults aged 18 years and above fluent in conversational English, and using a self-monitored health mobile app (Anderson et al., 2016). Participants will be informed on the objective of the research, what will be expected from them, and allowed to make the decision whether to participant or not. Additionally, participants will be informed of their ability to leave whenever they feel uncomfortable during the research process.

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Participants will not be identified through their real names, or any identifiable data. The data collected from the participants will not be shared, it will be used for the research, and it will be stored under lock-and-key in a safe for five years and destroyed thereafter (Pandey et al., 2013). The research process will be submitted for review and verification by the University Human Research Ethics Committee, and participants will be required to submit a signed form of informed consent prior to data collection. Everything done during the data collection process will be clearly explained to the participant.

Data Collection

Data will be collected through semi-structured interviews. For participants who are physically available to meet, the researcher will organize a face-to-face meeting for the interview. The meeting will be held in a public location where the participant is comfortable and feels safe and adequate privacy in sharing their experiences (Anderson et al., 2016). The preferred locations will be the participant’s office, home, or the local administrator offices. For participants who are unavailable for face-to-face interview, the questionnaires will be emailed to the participant through their convenient….....

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