Missionaries in the Amazon Missionaries Term Paper

Total Length: 3240 words ( 11 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 7

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Today there is more respect for the indigenous values of the natives and their languages. There were hard lessons learned in approach and strategy from the failures, such as in Canada, where native Aboriginal Indian children were torn, screaming from the arms of their parents to be placed in State-approved parochial schools, where they were forced to wear uniforms and stand in lines, forget their language and customs and conform to the strict behavioral guidelines of the nuns and priests, often being abused and starved in the process. The mental health issues and anger that were the result of this forced indoctrination, not to speak of the legal repercussions of that have ensued to this day (Miller 219).

Interviews with Biblical Scholars/Pastors/Reverends/Elders/Deacons / Church members as to why missionaries need to be sent?

Interviews with anthropologists regarding cultural imperialism.

Mission targets: the people who have been affected by missionaries might be interviewed regarding their life with the missionaries and how has it changed their lives? The main question would be to these "targets" would be if the missionaries made their lives better or were they more invasive?

There is a broad range of issues which may be learned through background research and issues raised through interviews of missionaries being videotaped.

Part 3 (Cont.) Review of library and videotape research to date with bibliography and annotations.

The Png Buai Institute of Pacific Studies has videotape library with a broad range of subjects, including the Bouma Forest Project, Fiji, the Chinese Cultural Program, Indian Dancing and so forth, which videotapes are available for a price.

The Montana Southern Baptist Convention has a library with books and videos on Southern Baptist missionary activities.

The Alameda Church of Christ has a library of tapes/CDs and videotapes at their website with information about the Church of Christ missionaries.

There is a huge library of "General Pacific Rim" missionary activities, including documentaries, movies and TV programs available for viewing at the Media Resources Center in Moffitt Library, at U.C. Berkeley.

There is a library of Children's Videotapes at the LINKS website hosted by the Church of the Nazarene.

There are thousands of other libraries and banks containing relevant missionary videotapes are to be found on the internet, in churches, at public libraries and universities throughout the world.

Part 4:Index of experts to be consulted as part of research process with brief biographical information.

Carlos Cardiza-Orlandi is an expert on religion in the global south. He holds a lectureship on Justice and Mission in the second annual Edwards-Presler Lectureship, which was held on October 15, 2007 in Louisville, KY. He is Associate Professor of World Christianity at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA, and a minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He has written books on history, religion and missiological interpretations of global religions concerning the Third World, Latin America and the Caribbean. His forthcoming book is entitled a todas las naciones: Una historia del movimiento christiano.

Charles Marsh is the 2007 Edwards Lecturer on Peace and Justice. He is Professor of Religious and Theological Studies and Director of the Project on Lived Theology at the University of Virginia. Raised as a minister's child in the south, he has published many books on the Gospel and theology, including his latest book Wayward Christian Soldiers: Freeing the Gospel from Political Captivity, published by Oxford Press in June of 2007 (LPTS 1).

Summary of one research interview carried out to summarize the information gained through the film interview, I found that to be a missionary is not what it appears to be. The life of a missionary is one of being totally involved in the life of those one is ministering to. The family of the missionary is also totally involved, as well. It involves living in a strange land, learning a strange language and learning strange customs, even though one is hoping to influence those around them in that foreign place. It often involves hardships that one does not expect. For instance, one cannot just open a can of vegetables for the evening meal. One might have to plow, plant, tend and harvest those vegetables before one can eat them. It is quite a difficult life to live, when one is mainly motivated to preaching the word of God.

Part 5: Overview of coverage of video to support story to be told in detail, as a narrative.

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Mr. Chang Don Tuc is videotaped on location in the Amazon, with some of the chieftains about him. He holds a conversation with some of the chiefs and, through a translator (his daughter), the chiefs express their thankfulness for his showing them some progressive ways of finding water, planting crops and even creating a more effective bow and arrow, so they might get more food. Mr. Chang explains that he has come to the Amazon mainly to show the people there that it is possible to live a Christian life and find happiness and justice through the teachings of the Bible. He has a class which he teaches the Bible to the children. His wife works with the women of the small village they live in, showing them how to sew or cook things. The women, in return, explain their diet and the benefits of their foods to her. The Chang's children, two girls, have lived in the village with their parents for two years, since the Changs came to the Amazon. They are used to living in a grass hut and hunting for food in the jungle with the other children. They are well-educated and their mother continues to home-school them. The testimony of the chieftains and men of the tribe is positive and grateful, making for a genial and heart-warming experience as one watches the videotape.

List of four potential funding sources for project. Explain why each would be interested in project.

The Southern Baptist Convention: The Southern Baptist Convention has the largest number of missionaries of any of the protestant denominations. They consider taking the Bible to the furthermost corners of the earth to be one of their main goals. A videotape of this sort would be welcome and would not be as costly as a film of the mission in the Amazon.

The Church of the Nazarene has a budget to support mission activities. Each missionary is able to draw from this budget and each church has adopted a missionary to support. The budget of the Church of the Nazarene includes contingencies such as videotaping the activities of the missionaries.

The Billy Graham Center sponsors projects such as this videotaping of a missionary. This organization would be a natural for requesting a donation toward the creation of this videotape. The NonDenominational Mission Archives at the Billy Graham center has proposed a survey of mission papers and videotapes on the campuses of fifty-four schools. These tapes are considered valuable records of mission activities.

The Lutheran Women's Missionary organization of Grace Lutheran Church was founded to promote projects and work and to promote the cause of God's kingdom locally and throughout the world. They have funds available to promote such mission-minded projects as this videotape.

Attachments (several articles or excerpts that are relevant to story I am telling).

In Sao Paulo, Brazil, the Evangelical missionaries are moving into Amazon villages. The article on this subject in the Worldwide Religioius News by Terry Wade, explains that the "new proselytizers say they aim to help with medical and social services more than to convert the animist tribes to Christianity.... But they often lack the permission of Brazil's government" the story covered one Choi Yang Sook, a South Korean Presbyterian missionary and his mission to the Roraima people of the Amazon. (Wade 1) group of doctors from the U.S.A. And Brazil spent twelve days in the town of Itacuatiara, August 6-17, 2002, on the banks of the Amazon River, offering the townspeople both medical help and personal witness of the faith" (Maciel 1) This is an article about the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi, who sponsors medical visits to the Amazon people in witness to their faith. The articles has wonderful pictures of the medical personnel offering services and testimony by the doctors.

There is a historical article concerning an agreement on the founding of churches in the Amazon made in Manaus Brazil by 20 denominations from 3 states in the Amazon Region, who planned the planting of churches along the Amazon River in Brazil. Their agreement allowed the various denominations to cooperate and help each other with this enormous project. They figure it will take an additional 150,000 to 200,000 churches in the future to reach the entire nation (Kraft 1).


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