Minority Groups Essay

Total Length: 619 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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Racism affecting Native and African-American in the U.S.

The topic that was chosen for this essay is minority groups that have failed to make broad gains in the United States stratification system. The essay delves into the reasoning behind why African and Native Americans struggle despite each groups long residence in America. The Native Americans have been persecuted since the white man came to the United States, which is ironic because some Native American tribes helped the Americans in several battles during the Revolutionary war with Great Britain. African-Americans were generally brought to the United States to participate in the slave trade business and thus lived lives as slaves (Rodriguez, 2007).

The reason the topic about minority groups that have failed to make broad gains in the United States stratification system was picked is because the topic generates a great deal of interest and research ability. Three questions that generate specific interest are as follows, the first question will deal with why African and Native Americans have had trouble advancing in the United States system of stratification.
Next, exploring the idea of why racism against African-American groups is different from racism against other immigrant groups. The third question will explore why Native Americans have had trouble advancing in the United States system of stratification.

The topic about minority groups that have failed to make broad gains in the United States stratification system is important because many minorities lag behind causations in many social categories. For instance, Native and African-Americans score lower than most on aptitude testing that included English and Math skills. Furthermore many minority groups lag in educational categories including college graduate rates and has led to socioeconomic struggles for these groups.

When performing the research the three questions of interest will be examined in depth. The first question that centers on why African and Native Americans have….....

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