Mind the Concept of "Theory Essay

Total Length: 606 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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3). A very important change takes place in children's minds somewhere between the ages of three and five and while they are initially unable to extract complex meaning from their surrounding environment, they gradually start to understand more regarding what happens around them and develop a theory of mind (Bower, 92).

Studies concerning the theory of mind have also been performed using chimpanzees. Although it is very difficult and almost impossible to determine whether or not chimpanzees have a theory of mind, researchers determined that these animals are likely to predict the behavior of an individual who has a false belief. While chimps find it difficult to predict thinking in other individuals, children appear to be better prepared to deal with such conditions. Intuition is one of the primary concepts fueling children in developing a theory of mind, as they start to put themselves in someone else's shoes at a young age and think about what the respective individual wants or believes with the purpose of being able to predict and understand his or her behavior (Bower, 93).

Small children are generally inclined to believe that the brain is a machine that starts and stops whenever an individual needs to perform a difficult task and fail to understand that thought processes are part of a continuous flow of ideas and beliefs.
Children within this group are actually likely to believe that a person's mind is not functional when the respective individual stands still and without thinking about anything in particular (Bower, 93).


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