The Military and Diplomatic Resolution Essay

Total Length: 1684 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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In the aftermath of the war, these acts would be called into
question given America's ultimate and necessary abandonment of the war.
Accordingly, Hickman reports that "on January 15, 1973, after pressuring
South Vietnam to accept the peace deal, Nixon announced the end of
offensive operations against North Vietnam." (Hickman, 1) And with Nixon's
scandalized resignation in 1973 and the passage of Congressional
legislation forbidding American military intervention in Southeast Asia,
the North Vietnamese were free to pursue the unification which the U.S. had
sacrificed so much to prevent.
And consideration that the United States might continue to support its
overall goals in Vietnam at least through aid to the South Vietnamese
forces that it had propped up for a decade would ultimately be fully
dismissed when "in 1975, Congress refused President Gerald Ford's last-
minute request to increase aid to South Vietnam by $300 million, just weeks
before it fell to communist control.

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Few legislators had taken the request
seriously; many conservative Republicans and hawkish Democrats agreed by
then that Vietnam was lost and that the expenditure would have been a
waste." (Zelizer, 1)
At this juncture, the government which the United States had left to
support itself in South Vietnam was toppled and the nation existed under a
single, communist flag. Vietnam's 'victory' passed only the major
criterion of dispatching a foreign enemy from its soil with its
governmental self-determination intact. But for the toll levied on its
infrastructure, in its psyche and through the millions dead in the region,
it could hardly be said that Vietnam won a war which the United States
clearly lost.


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