Miguel There Are Six Stages to the Case Study

Total Length: 629 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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There are six stages to the pre-referral strategy to help students like Miguel attain not only better performance, but also better integration into the school environment. The first stage is initial concern regarding the student's progress. This has been completed with the approach of Miguel's educators and the school psychiatrist requesting the assistance of the special education teacher in a pre-referral team meeting.

Stage 2 concerns information gathering, during which information will be collected regarding Miguel's classroom situation, home situation, and his own background knowledge and experiences. The behavior management techniques used in his classroom will also be determined. Informal assessments will be made by approaching family members, other classroom teachers, student portfolios for Miguel, observing his classrooms, and collecting school records, attendance records, and formal assessments. Particularly concerning the family, the information must be collected in such a way that nobody feels attacked or highlighted as a "problem."

During the information sharing and team discussion stage, the team reviews the information in order to determine a strategy for interventions that might help, either with or without special education.

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One important component is to begin by determining the strengths the student has on which an intervention strategy can be built. In Miguel's situation, valuable insight might be gained from investigating the differences in expectations in terms of behavior or academic work in his home and school environment. His family may not, for example, consider education to be as high a priority as visiting family members in Mexico.

For Miguel, a set of possible strategies should involve active and willing participation by his parents. Miguel should also feel empowered by being made aware of his strengths and how these can be used to help him become a better learner. The initial discussion should be followed by including both Miguel and his parents in devising the implementation and monitoring stage. Miguel's family should assist in….....

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