Midwife: Lobbying Program the Objective Thesis

Total Length: 1916 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Many times the individual who desires to give natural childbirth simply is unable to do so because perhaps the baby is too large to move through the birth canal or labor has gone on as long as safety can allow. Ethics should guide both the midwife and the obstetrician in this area and that which is the domain of the midwife should not be crowded by shadowing of the obstetrician and likewise the midwife's ethical responsibilities demand that the midwife hand the client over to the obstetrician when medical safety thus demands. There are many political, socioeconomic, and ethical considerations that drive the focus of the groups that are examined in this study. The AMA and ACOG certainly are likely to feel threatened by the midwives organizations who advocate for childbirth that is free from the offerings of the medical doctors when possible. The offerings of the members of CFM and other such midwives advocacy groups are of the nature that would serve to make medical care during childbirth more affordable, safer, and much more comfortable for the client and that would also enable the client to possess autonomy in their choices surrounding the birth of their child.

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Summary and Conclusion

It is apparent that both AMA and ACOG have utilized strategies that involve the claim that they are highly interested in providing optimal healthcare to women during childbirth and that they are ultimately interested in nothing more than the safety of women and children during childbirth. However, as noted in this study many times the obstetrician uses unnecessary procedures for the sake of convenience with considerations of time high on the list as labor is induced, C-sections are used all to frequently, medications for pain are administered which affect the newborn in ways that are known and possibly in ways that are yet unknown. The midwife however, offers choices during childbirth that assists the individual give birth in a more natural and normal way that in the majority of cases is safer than those offered by today's medical doctors......

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