Middle Age Adults Research Paper

Total Length: 689 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Health Care Access of Middle Aged Adults


In the 21st century, issues of health care access for middle aged adults is closely related with issues of class. There have been several, major, economic hurdles experienced by countries around the world, and we have yet to reach the year 2020. In countries such as the United States, more people are entering and remaining in the workforce out of necessities. Middle aged adults who have access to health care have substantial enough income to pay for part of all of the costs of their health care fees and transportation to/from the health care facility. Middle aged adults who have access to health care additionally have job flexibility so that they can take time away from their work schedule, or modify their schedules so there is time available to visit a health care facility. Such adults would also have a relative amount of job security such that they could take time away from work, if they are employed, and not be in fear of job termination as a result. There are middle aged adults who have access to health care and are not employed. These people might be independently wealthy due to some circumstance or another. Some adults may be recipients of forms of public assistance that allow them to access select health care facilities for health care within certain parameters.

Material wealth and individual circumstance seem to be strong factors in determining whether middle aged adults have access to adequate health care. Material wealth is not equally distributed on a massive scale, which implies that there is at least some imbalance or unfairness regarding the chances a middle aged adult has in accessing health care. It is not the norm for many people to have the means for health care as middle aged adults, whenever there is a need for health care. Other factors such as disproportional raises to the minimum wage while the costs of living rise and the privatization of the health care industry contribute to the difficulty many middle aged adults experience in their attempts to access sufficient health care.

Furthermore, people are generally uneducated regarding situations when health care should be sought. People often seek health care during an emergency, or when their conditions nearly reach the brink of emergency or it being "too late." If people had better health care education, speaking specifically to middle aged adults, people might seek health care sooner, rather than later. There would probably be a number of situations in which earlier health care visits would prevent harmful symptoms and condition, if not just lessening the overall time spent in need of health care.

Access to heatlh care for middle aged adults is not a simple or direct issue. There are many factors that create a dynamic intersection where the context and experience of middle aged adult health care access is. There are those who do and would abuse their access to health care, while there are others who go out of their way to avoid seeking health care. At some point in our lives and likely in….....

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