Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Windows Term Paper

Total Length: 2575 words ( 9 double-spaced pages)

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The AD MMC even permits multi-selection and editing of user objects, which is a potential reclaimed from the NT user Manager days. Among the greatest changes in the MMC is the Saved Queries. Saved Queries permit the user to build XML-based queries into your AD users & Computers MMC and refresh them periodically to achieve the updated results. This gives the capability to really build custom views and reports on the directory objects based on certain norms which one can give. For instance, a search query can be made for all the users with a certain description, or all the computers that have a certain OS version or build number.

Together with the potential to pick up the search criteria from a pull-down menu of attributes to every object, as 'Saved Queries' basically builds an XML file to each query, it even permits us to edit or write down our own search criteria through the use of the XML syntax. Besides, a lot of other enhancements are available to managing Active Directory like the new option to Reset restore mode administrative password whereas the Directory Service is online using NTDSUTIL, several new Group Policy settings inclusive of Domain Controller and DNS registration and Time service configuration parameters, and updates to DCPROMO, the Active Directory setup wizard, which comprises enhanced DNS configuration selection and forced demotion ability. Finally in Windows Server 2003, it is possible to redirect new users and computers creation to a location of a particular choice, rather than the default users and computers containers.

This is very crucial as the Down-level APIs use the default 'Users' and 'Computers' containers since the location for newly created objects. The default Users and Computer containers belong to object class 'Container' and it is not possible to apply Group Policies straightaway to these containers. In the Windows Server 2003 Active Directory it is possible to use redirusr.exe and redircmp.exe to change the default containers for newly created accounts. This utility is enabled at the Windows Server 2003 domain functional stage. (iii) Primarily, addressing the Schema has been improved considerably. Schema Redefine removes the changes for errors and permits redefinition of a class/attribute within the schema. The redefined attribute/class can keep with the same LDAP display name, same OID however possess a separate syntax.

The impact of the defunct action is reversible, and it does not purge schema objects from the database, but instead "takes them out of order." such that it is possible to reuse them. The schema re-define is enabled at the Windows Server 2003 forest functional level. Apart from that, adding new attributes to the global catalogue does not cause GCs to perform full synchronization like it used to. Windows Sever 2003 replicates only added attributes between Windows Server 2003 domain controllers. It will again do a full synchronization when the destination is a Windows 2000 DC. However, the biggest change in case of Applications in Windows Server 2003 Active Directory is the capability to create Application Partitions which are basically partitions in Active Directory similar to other partitions (Domain, Configuration, Schema), however can be created on any DC in the forest and duplicated to any other DC in the forest by choice.

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Windows Server 2003 usually presents an appreciably better proposition as regards reducing the TCO. The exception is in the networking overload, where the costs were similar. It is regarded that this workload's atypical profile is linked to the fact that Windows NT Server already showed particularly low costs in case of downtime and it staff training, leaving staff costs as the primary cost element. In case of the Web, File Print, Security, and email workloads, the TCO comparison of Windows NT server with Windows 2000 Server displayed a reduction in TCO, ranging from 23% to 58%. Similarly, while comparing Windows Server 2003 with Windows 2000 Server, especially for the Web and email workloads, the fall in TCO is considerable. As regards absolute dollar reduction, the biggest savings came from a comparison of Windows NT Sever with Windows Server 2003 for the email workload, wherein the Windows Server 2003 solution's three-year TCO recommends a savings of $31,200 per 100 supported users, with the 3-year TCO plummeting from $40,030 to $8,821.

Microsoft has put in millions of dollars into enhancing the product quality. These endeavors were extensive and spanned the range for raising code developing standards, to lowering the weaknesses of the operating systems, to tightening up the application installation processes to prevent the installation of substandard drivers and DLLs, which might have the potential to destabilize the operating system itself. Apart from that, the effort is distinctly having an encouraging effect. As per the IDCs various demand-side studies persistently shows perceived as well as real improvements to the operational quality of Microsoft's software products.

End Notes:

Introducing the Windows Server 2003 Operating Systems. [online]. 24 July, 2002. Available at Accessed 8 June, 2005

Introducing the Windows Server 2003 Operating Systems. [online]. 24 July, 2002.

Windows Server 2003. [online]. Available at 18 June, 2005

Windows Server 2003.

Microsoft Certified Windows Server 2003: 10 Benefits. [online]. Available at Accessed 18 June, 2005

Windows Server 2003: Active Directory Benefits for Smaller Enterprises. [online]. Available at Accessed 18 June, 2005

Saharon, Yossi. Professor Windows-May 2003, Can You Fix the Past? Active Directory Can. [online]. September, 2004. Available at 18 June, 2005

Saharon, Yossi. Professor Windows-May 2003, Can You Fix the Past? Active Directory Can.

IDC White Paper: Windows Server 2003. [online]. January, 2005. Available at Accessed 18 June, 2005

IDC White Paper: Windows Server 2003......

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