Methamphetamine Abuse in the U.S. Research Paper

Total Length: 1674 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The second largest category of economic expense arose from crime and criminal justice expenses. The costs were for arresting and incarcerating drug offenders and also the cost of non-drug crimes due to the abuse of the drug like thefts as a means of supporting the habit. The abuse of the drug was also found to contribute significantly to loss of productivity and the expense of moving children to foster homes away from their methamphetamine addicted parents. The other economic cost was due to the production cost of methamphetamine which required the use of toxic chemicals. This would be as a result of injury incurred by emergency personnel as well as other victims and also the efforts applied in cleaning up the hazardous wastes that come about due to the production process. These estimates are based on the effect of production and abuse of the methamphetamine on the society and also focusing on the attention on the primary drivers of the costs.

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In conclusion, methamphetamine is a substance that is highly addictive. The abuse of this drug is a major health care problem and requires that those in the healthcare system be familiar with the signs of its use and abuse as well as ways in which addicts can be treated as they are all bound to have to treat a patient who is suffering from addiction from methamphetamine. This also means that nurses, who usually encounter these patients before anyone else does, need to be educated and informed as well as have the skills to treat those who are using methamphetamine, (Ferri).


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