Memory Models and Assessment the Research Paper

Total Length: 851 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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More generalized assessments include the Wechsler Memory Scale, created by the founder of the IQ test of that name, which offers a generalized assessment of different memory types (sensory, short, and long-term) and is most appropriate for adults.

In general, two basic types of neuropsychological memory tests exist. "In almost all objective tests, quantitative results are compared with some normative standard, including data from groups of non-brain injured persons and groups of persons with various kinds of brain injury. If the norms are based on age and educational achievement, valid comparison can be made between an individual's performance and that of persons in known diagnostic categories as well as persons who do not have a diagnosis of brain injury. Qualitative assessment of neuropsychological tests provides a look at the processes an individual may use in producing the quantitative scores. Analysis of the pattern of performance among a large number of tests is vital to a neuropsychological assessment" (Swiercinsky, 2001). For example, a patient might be subjected to the SCATB or the Wechsler, which are both quantitatively 'normed' tests.

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Then, the patient might be subject to tests that examine different processes that might have been affected. These might include the Grooved Pegboard test, which "examines flexibility of thinking and openness to learning" and the Finger Tapping (Oscillation) Test of reproducing rhythm patterns, which assesses if different sides of the brain were impacted to varying degrees through replicating tapping sounds (Swiercinsky, 2001). These latter tests are not normed upon a scale, but are meant to examine the capacity of the individual, to determine more specifically what processes were affected and conspired to produce a memory deficit on the normed tests.

Nervousness, linguistic and cultural barriers, and biases on the part of the assessor can all affect the subject's performance on such tests. Ideally, both qualitative and quantitative assessments of memory should be deployed to produce an accurate result. Although no test is perfect, using a variety of tests is most effective in creating a diagnosis and treatment plan for a patient with an illness or injury that has impaired his or her memory functions......

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