Meeting Learner's Needs Application Essay

Total Length: 827 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Learners Needs

Instruction Adjustments in the Classroom

The theory of multiple intelligences (MI) was first proposed by Howard Gardner as he obtained certain insights into his field of research when he realized that some individuals had different exceptional skill sets and realized savants, prodigies, or even stroke victims that represent a high level of any one of the various intelligences (Gardner, 2006). There are roughly between seven and ten different types of intelligences depending on the source and include interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, and athletic among others. The Dunn and Dunn learning style model breaks down learning styles into stimuli and elements, these elements represent the environmental and transmission of the knowledge attempting to be transferred (ILSA, N.d.).

Flexible instructional grouping

Students can often learn more in a group format than in a traditional classroom structure. This provides the students a chance to learn from their peers as well as from the instructor. This would be especially important to students who are focused on interpersonal intelligence.

2. Tiered assignments

Tiered assignments can help teachers create a range of different skills that can be used to complete assignments. For instance students that are high in interpersonal intelligence might be able to successfully complete an interviewing assignment.
A person that has a mechanical intelligence may be able to better complete projects that require strong visual-spatial skills. By using tiered assignments teachers can incorporate different elements into a learning experience.

3. Learning centers or stations

Learning stations can provide a different type of relationship to the environment for the students to process information. In the Dunn and Dunn model, learning stations can provide different environmental, sociological, and physiological elements into them to provide students a range of different stimuli.

4. Compacting

Compacting is a method that allows teachers to focus on objectives that a student does not already know. By assessing their knowledge level first, the teacher can prevent themselves from trying to re-teach things that the students already know. This can keep them engaged psychologically in the Dunn and Dunn Model as well as provide emotional elements such as motivation.

5. Student Agendas

Student agendas allow the teacher to design personalized tasks for different students to tailor them to their own objectives and needs. There are different forms of student agendas that can be used with different intended outcomes or also in regards to the allotted time available. This could provide some sociological….....

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"Meeting Learner's Needs", 23 March 2015, Accessed.6 July. 2024,