Medmira Laboratories - International Marketing Thesis

Total Length: 1153 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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FDA Market Subfilings of U.S.$225,000

US $10 to $15 million in product packaging, distribution and marketing (and the company was not clear as to if they could afford this cost at this point in time)

Selling Miracare directly to consumers might result in cannibalization of its sales to labs and hospitals affecting the companies' earnings, given product margin differentials, as well as the company's relationship with its distributors, middlemen and customers, such as labs and hospitals.

Consideration must be given for the fact that OTC HIV testing approval would serve to open the door to OTC sales of rapid tests for other infectious diseases (including flu, strep throat, STDs and drug screening) HIV rapid testing market is small but other rapid testing markets are worth potentially billions.

IV. Recognition of Opportunity

Because these products were likely to crowd pharmacy shelves representing 'opportunity' it was important that Medmira not make too late of a move and neither should Medmira move too quickly.

V. Competitors Identified

Competitors identified in the case study include: (1) Orasure Technologies: while this company's product was superior in a sense and this company did not possess the public's confidence in the validity of its' test results; (2) bioLytical Laboratories: This company had not been approved for OTC testing of HIV and had not made expansion internationally. Furthermore, this test was far more complicated; and (3) Home Access Health Corporation: Based in Chicago this company had already developed OTC HIV testing with a high rate of validity and public confidence had already developed in this company.


The scenario identified is one in which the entire spectrum of international marketing considerations must be undertaken in conducting an analysis of this company's products and services and entry into the international market and in this case specifically the United States OTC rapid diagnostic testing market.

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Regulatory issues are not a high priority for consideration for Medmira Laboratories except that FDA regulation of the OTC market had resulted in an opportunity being identified by this company. There are factors that have been considered in this study which include the ethical debate, and the financial considerations of entry into the OTC market in the U.S. It is likely that while it will cost the company a great deal of money initially to invest in the U.S. OTC rapid diagnostic testing market that should Medmira Labs partner with Home Access Health Corporation that it would likely forego the FD market pre-approval costs and the FDA market subfilings relating to the products as Home Health Access had already undergone this process with the FDA. Even though the U.S. OTC rapid diagnostic testing market is small in actuality this would open the door to the potential billions in sales of other rapid diagnostic testing including flu, strep throat, STDS, and even drug screenings. The most important consideration in this study has been that of how should Medmira enter the OCT HIV testing market in the U.S., and this work states findings that it is clear that to enter the U.S. market as partner of Home Access Health Corporation would be the optimal entry strategy for Medmira Laboratories......

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