Medical Malpractice Players: Attorney for Essay

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However, Carol's use of the Internet for personal matters during the workday is also an example of how mixing work and personal matters can make it difficult for employees to get along. All workers should be reminded of the need to exercise good judgment and to keep work and personal matters separate. They should be referred to the relevant company policies in the employee handbook, if necessary. Bob in particular should receive additional sensitivity training in appropriate workplace behavior from an HR counselor. This type of incident should be a 'red flag' about the need for company-wide awareness about what constitutes harassment to avoid similar trouble in the future.

Scenario 5 Parking Dispute

Bert and Ernie live in the same condominium building, which has an owner's association and a resident manager. Each condo owner gets one parking space, but the spaces are not assigned.

Bert's perspective: For some reason, Ernie doesn't respect Bert. That latest episode of this is that Ernie shoveled all the snow from one parking space where Bert is parked, partially covering Bert's car. Bert races out and politely asks Ernie to stop his actions and shovel the offending snow off his car. Ernie laughs and sticks the shovel in the snow ordering Bill to start shoveling. When Bert refuses, Ernie loses it and starts yelling and attracting attention. Finally, the manager comes out and demands that both go to mediation.

Ernie's perspective

Ernie is fed up with Bert. Each time it snows, Ernie shovels a parking spot for his car. You see Bert peeking out the window. As soon as Ernie drives away, Bert runs down and moves his car into the newly shoveled space.

Stuck Writing Your "Medical Malpractice Players: Attorney For" Essay?

This time Ernie shovels all the snow into the space where Bert's car is parked partially covering his car. Bert comes running out, spewing obscenities at Ernie. Ernie said he wants to watch Bert to shovel for a change. As the argument grows louder, the manager comes out and demands that both go to mediation.

You are the conflict resolution professional.

While not against the law, shoveling someone 'in' is clearly a breach of common civility, as is taking a parking space of someone who has shoveled out his or her car. The conflict resolution professional should attempt to determine if Ernie was aware of Bert's perceptions of Ernie's behavior in the past, and try to establish between the two men some common ground. It is possible Ernie acted as he did because he was unaware that Bert felt that Ernie was stealing his 'spot,' and Ernie should be made aware of Bert's perceptions, to understand why Bert acted as he did when he covered Ernie's car with snow. The conflict resolution professional should attempt to negotiate a contract between Bert and Ernie -- Bert and Ernie could agree to work together to help shovel one another out, thus lessening both of their workloads and speeding up the process of digging out in the future. Regardless of what they agree to, both men should become cognizant of one another's perspective, to understand each other's behavior. Bert's behavior looks less asocial when he explains what Ernie has done in the past. However there is no indication that Ernie acted maliciously or understood why Bert covered his car with snow......

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