Media Has Been Continually Evolving. Term Paper

Total Length: 2052 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Where, the images of: various icons, symbols and ideas are going beyond national borders. This is significant, because it shows how improvements in technology, are playing a role in determining the way various forms of content is presented in the media. Where, globalized awareness within the different organizations has an impact, on shaping how individuals will view these various cultural icons. (Grossberg 421 -- 432)

What the different chapters show, is that the overall role of the media is continuing to change. The reason why this is occurring is because of: improvements in technology (which are helping to make the world smaller). This is causing the total number of media outlets to become: larger, more focused on specific demographics and aware of what content they should be providing for audiences. This is significant, because over the course of time, this is changing the way various forms of content are presented. Where, the traditional role of the media informing and entertaining the public is still continuing to have a direct impact on their overall views. At which point, audiences will begin to see the information that is being presented to them in a unique way, based upon their own individual interpretations of the event. Once this occurs, it means that various forms of content and symbols will be able to transcend the national boundaries of a nation state. Where, the ideas and symbols will become a part of other societies and subcultures.

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As a result, how various changes are occurring in media are: having a profound impact upon daily life. With the different mediums, allowing individuals to have a choice of the content they are most interested in.

Clearly, the role of the media is continuing to change. This is because the improvements in technology are making the world more interconnected. At which point, the way information is presented and the various formats will undergo a transformation. Where, the line between the different media outlets is becoming very blurry, as there is more competition among the various organizations. This has caused large conglomerates to emerge, which will own various media properties that are targeted towards specific audiences. This allows these organizations to be able to reach out to a variety audiences, with specific content that they are interested in. When you combine this with the different personalities within the organization, this presents a face for the audience / organization. With the way they are presenting the information, possibly having an effect on how they will view various issues. Then, when you combine this with the increased amounts of global awareness among media outlets, shows how the media has been changing dramatically. As a result, the way various forms of content are presented, have the ability to reshape views on a number of different issues, as the different symbols and identities are used to reach out to specific demographics......

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